Credits Available: 5.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, 5.00 AAFP Prescribed credits

Description: Obesity is associated with significant comorbid conditions including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, as well as reduced quality of life and poorer mental health. While primary care providers often manage obesity-related comorbidities, obesity itself is not often directly addressed and remains undertreated. This educational program supports the consistent delivery of evidence-based obesity counseling and treatment in primary care settings. It focuses on improving the understanding and skills of primary care clinicians in working with their patients to manage their weight through evidence-based actions based in cultural humility.

CME/CE Accreditation Information

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This program is intended for:
Target Professions: DO, MD, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, Physician Assistant, MBBCh, MBBS, Pharmacist
Target Specialties: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Preventive Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Hospitalist, Women's Health, Emergency Medicine, Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy

Mohamed Oraby

national heart institute
MD, Physician

I am a cardiology registrar in National Heart Institute (NHI), Cairo, and interested in Heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, COPD, clinical cardiology, arrhythmias, interventional cardiology, nephrology, preventive medicine and obesity control. I'm an intervention cardiologist who had his training in NHI, Cairo, Egypt then finished my Complex intervention fellowship at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC. I am a clinical researcher obtaining Clinical Scholars Research Training From Harvard Medical School.
I had contributed in several international conferences with complex and educational cases such as EURO-PCR (Paris 2019), ASPC (Taipei 2018), KSC annual meeting (Seoul 2018), GULF-PCR JIM (Dubai 2018), IMC (Jeddah 2019), C3 (USA 2019).
I finished scholarship in clinical research from Harvard medical school (hybrid course) in October 2021. I have published in Eurointervention, Circulation and other highly impactful scientific journals.